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From The Thomasnet Blog

  • April 29, 2022 (Team Thomas)

    Understanding the Different Traffic Sources To Your Manufacturing Website

    A manufacturer's website is a 24/7 salesperson for a business — and it's the place where buyers go to see if a supplier is a fit for the products and services they need.

    When looking at analytics and data of website traffic, know that each and every website visit could be a prospect evaluating you as a potential supplier — whether they're early on in their vetting process or looking to reach out with a request for quote.

    And as you continue to grow your online marketing efforts and bring in more business, it's important to understand more about where these buyers are coming from — and how to expand your reach to get more potential customers to your website.

    In this post, we'll breakdown what these traffic sources mean and discuss the next steps you should take.

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  • September 1, 2021 (Shalane Layugan)

    SEO For Manufacturers And Industrial Companies In 2021: Is SEO Worth It?

    For many manufacturers and industrial companies, search engine optimization (SEO) is still shrouded in mystery. It’s understandable — the rules and “best practices” are ever-evolving, shifting constantly as new technologies and trends come and go. It’s no surprise, then, that there are a lot of misconceptions surrounding SEO.

    So if you're new to the digital marketing world, let's take a step back to the basics of SEO and help you understand its worth to manufacturers and industrial companies.

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  • July 23, 2021 (Andrew Hanno)

    How Manufacturers Can Maintain Healthy Website Traffic Following Google's New Algorithm Changes

    Recently, Google updated the factors it reviews when determining which websites show up first when buyers search the web for their desired products or services. This means that manufacturers, like all other businesses, could see their rankings change relative to those of their competitors. It is especially critical for marketing leaders to address these changes now as a recent HubSpot report shows that traffic in the manufacturing space has recently dipped 7.2% due in part to greater market influences.

    To help you understand and address these changes to maintain or improve your search rankings in Google’s search results, let’s take a look at a few of the finer details around this change.

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  • July 23, 2021 (Andrew Hanno)

    How Manufacturers Can Maintain Healthy Website Traffic Despite Google's New Algorithm Changes

    Recently, Google updated the factors it reviews when determining which websites show up first when buyers search the web for their desired products or services. This means that manufacturers, like all other businesses, could see their rankings change relative to those of their competitors. It is especially critical for marketing leaders to address these changes now as a recent HubSpot report shows that traffic in the manufacturing space has recently dipped 7.2% due in part to greater market influences.

    To help you understand and address these changes to maintain or improve your search rankings in Google’s search results, let’s take a look at a few of the finer details around this change.

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