Unsafe Pet Food from China Prompts Upcoming “Black Friday” Protests at Walmart


The Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) has been reporting on unsafe products from China since a 2007 report entitled "Buyer’s Remorse: How America Has Failed to See the Threat Posed by Dangerous Chinese Goods and the Case for Safe Trade."{

In 2007, thousands of American pets died from adulterated Chinese-made pet food.  Unfortunately, little has changed.  In 2011, the FDA reported on the dangers of chicken jerky treats from China.

In fact, these tainted chicken jerky treats are linked to the deaths of more than 360 dogs in the last 18 months.

One pet owner, whose dog died from the toxic treats, has started a campaign to urge Wal-Mart to remove these pet products from their shelves.  Apparently, petitions and letters haven't succeeded in getting Wal-Mart to take action. So, the bereaved dog owner has a plan…

On Black Friday, 2012 (November 23, 2012) determined pet food consumers all across the U.S. and Canada will gather together in front of Walmarts.  We'll be there with protest signs and fliers to hand out to consumers. 

Read more about the Black Friday campaign to raise awareness about unsafe pet food.  TAKE ACTION: Post your own pet picture on Facebook (like the one above of Maddie), or email us at info [at] aamfg [dot] org, to show that you won't feed your dog unsafe food from China.

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