Postcard from Iowa: AAM Field Coordinators Run Into Rick Santorum

Greetings from Hawkeye State!

Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) field coordinators Rachel Bennett Steury and Meghan McKeefry were in Des Moines earlier this month to attend the Iowa Republican State Convention. The AAM exhibit was very well received, and many folks signed letters to their congressional representatives in support of saving the domestic steel industry – specifically, the Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) market that’s besieged by dumped imports. With an OCTG mill in Iowa, the message hit home for almost everyone we talked with.  

We had a lot of conversations about Made in America, and even a few about Walmart. It was great to talk with state-level candidates and elected officials about their position on manufacturing and trade.  And it was even better to see some of them stop back at our table with questions and to pick up our literature. Among them was Rick Santorum, the convention’s keynote speaker, who stopped over at our booth for a chance to say hello.  "We need to enforce our trade laws," he told us, and we couldn't agree more!

This post was written by AAM Field Coordinator Meghan McKeefry.

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