Meet the Faces of Steel — and Share Your Story

Telling the story of the steel imports crisis, once person at a time.

There’s been much written about the devastation of the steel imports crisis. Just today, in fact, the New York Times has an in-depth feature on the effects of global trade that details how after China entered the World Trade Organization, it targeted “crucial industries for domination” — including steel.

But much of the overall discussion has centered around policy. Missing in the discussion are the stories of the Americans whose livelihoods have been hurt — or in some cases, taken away — because of unfair trade. We’re aiming to change that.

Today the Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) is launching Faces of Steel, a new project that profiles the people who depend on the U.S. steel industry, from factory workers to local contractors to local business owners and policymakers.

Nearly 19,000 Americans have faced layoffs because of the ongoing crisis, and nearly 1 million people depend on the steel industry for their livelihood. As President Scott Paul noted in an email to AAM supporters, American steel is part of the fabric of our nation, and the people who keep it up and running deserve our support.

Check out the Faces of Steel project — and be sure to submit your own steel story.

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