Manufacturing Matters, and This New Video Explains the Reasons Why

Not only do factories provide better-paying jobs, they lift up entire communities.

There's nothing that upsets us more here at the Alliance for American Manufacturing than when someone tries to argue that manufacturing doesn't matter anymore.

Seriously. We can't even handle it.

But since there are somehow people out there who believe such nonsense, we thought it useful to put together a video highlighting the many, many reasons why manufacturing remains such a vital part of the economy — and why we should work to strengthen it. Check it out:

As the video highlights, America's factories not only provide more than 12 million workers with a pay premium compared to similar jobs in the private sector (especially for workers without a college degree).

Factories also boost the economy, as every dollar spent in manufacturing yields $1.81 in economic activity. Plus, manufacturing drives innovation, especially when it comes to research and development.

We hope that you find the video useful, and encourage you to share it with your networks and on social media.

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