Manufacturing Leads the Way this Jobs Day

Marcin Wichary

That’s 155,000 factory jobs since November 2016.

Today’s Jobs Day! New employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, on the first Friday of each month.

So how’d we do? Drumroll, please:

Manufacturing added 36,000 jobs last month. Dang, that’s not bad. In an otherwise lackluster report (a total of 156,000 created overall), the manufacturing sector had relatively robust growth. Since November 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics points out, it has created 155,000 new positions.

But it’s not all roses. While employment is cranking up, wages aren’t following in step:

Commented AAM President Scott Paul:

"How can we keep up the momentum? Pass an infrastructure bill with strong Buy America preferences to put more people back to work. The administration must also invest in training the workers of the future, move forward with rebalancing trade, and hold China accountable."

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