Help Save New York Jobs

Tell state legislators to support Buy America preferences in this year’s budget.

New Yorkers: You have a chance to support American workers.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature are now working on this year’s budget. Let’s make sure that New York’s tax dollars support American-made products and American jobs whenever possible.

Please tell your legislator to include Buy America preferences in the state budget.

Strong Buy America preferences help create good paying American jobs and keep our tax dollars here at home, including in New York.

It makes sense to support companies that invest in U.S. operations and create good jobs for American workers. It makes NO sense to send our tax money overseas when companies and workers here at home are ready to do the work at a competitive price.

You and I need to make sure that New York lawmakers get the message. Please tell them to include Buy America preferences in the state budget.

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